Thursday, October 30, 2008

News spreads fast and (sadly?) I’ve fallen in love with statistics!

Analysing statistics has never really been my thing, but somehow I’ve caught the bug and I’m absolutely fascinated.

Recently we issued a press release on PRWeb promoting the free Anglo-Phone language assistance we offer at My face has been stuck to the computer screen watching live viewing statistics ever since. I’m completely obsessed and can’t believe how fast news is spread these days.

Within a half hour of hitting the airwaves, our humble little press release was suddenly zipping across the internet at breakneck speed. The statistics were telling me that people from China, the US, the UK, Romania and Poland had clicked in to read it. I was hooked by the percentages, the number of impressions, the fact that people were reading when the time difference tells me they should be in bed! Amazing.

The numbers kept climbing. was being read about around the world. Ireland, Luxembourg, Greece, Canada… (breath)…Italy, Russia, France and Belgium. My head was spinning with statistics. I couldn’t wait to spout out the figures to people.

So I did. I starting calling friends and sending text messages to Heather and Gareth and Lucy and Tom - every half hour: “We’ve passed 10,000 impressions and the UK readership is climbing.” Then, “Now appearing on home pages of International Business Times and Topix.” Then, “Passed 70,000 impressions and more than a thousand reads!” I had a brilliant day and dreamed about numbers and percentages all night. (Crazy? Boring? I should get a life??)

I’ve decided I love statistics now. I want more. I never really liked them before but the rush of excitement has left me craving…did you know that 50% of new home buyers also bought a new car within a year? Isn’t this stuff great! OK, OK. I can see your eyes glazing over so I’ll quickly summarise my findings.

Today’s summary is: word is spreading fast about breeze-france and the services we have to offer. Stop.

Here’s a link to the press release (but click it and I’ll end up obsessively re-doing the numbers tonight!!)

See ya later,

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